North America Staff

Adams, Glen & Susan #20288
Glen works with Wycliffe Bible Translators/JAARS to develop and provide safer solutions for missionaries who have to travel by water to reach their language communities in remote areas of the world. He and Susan are now based out of Wilmington,

Agostini, Gabe & Judy #20068
Gabe is the General Director for SALT (Support and Leadership Training) with the purpose totrain leaders and pastors in the Spanish world (South America and Europe) Reaching over 1500 leaders in a year is part of his ministry to be

Anderson, Jim & Dawn #20431
Northeast Field Directors. Recently transitioned to the US, Jim and Dawn are serving global workers full time in the role of missionary care. Spending over 14 years in a small West African village in a medical/discipleship/development capacity opened their eyes

Barrie, Darrel & Lori #20263
I am teaching Middle School Bible & US History @ Scottsdale Christian Academy. With SCA I’m leading a mission team of high school students to provide service work and evangelism to an economically challenged area in Eutaw, Alabama in March

Battaglia, Steve & Janis #20075
Steve serves as pastor of Capron Baptist Church in Capron, Virginia. We pray that all at Capron Baptist will “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” to the glory of God. Listen to, or

Bertram, Nate & Trudy #20436
Nate & Trudy Bertram are ministering in McDowell County, West Virginia. Their goal is to IGNITE HOPE by helping to lay the groundwork for healthy groups of Jesus-followers within the community. They achieve this through redemptive relationships, Bible study groups,

Blakeslee, Craig & Gloria #20125
After serving as missionaries in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, for seven years, Craig and Rossy are now serving the Lord in Alice, Texas. Craig is the senior pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church, and Rossy is serving as the volunteer Director of Children

Brown, Matthew and Aubrey #20520
Matthew and Aubrey live in Northern California, on the foothills of Mt. Lassen. We have 3 kids: Shiloh, Malachi, and Zinnia. We desire to serve people in three ways. First, Matthew is the pastor of Oak Run Bible Church in

Brown, Steven & Gayle #20442
Northwest Field Directors Steve and Gayle are retired teachers who love to travel and support ministry around the world. They are currently partnering with locals and expatriates in SE Asia to train and support widows, orphans, and shepherds to experience

Buck, Robert & Jody #20444
Bob and Jody Buck have ministered and served in the USA, Canada and Costa Rica for a number of years. Evangelism, discipleship, church planting, training leaders and family ministry has been their focus. They have also led small groups. Bob

C. #20054
C works with victims of abuse, helping share with them the hope, love, and lordship of Jesus Christ.

Caligiuri, Christopher #20422
It is both my calling and privilege to genuinely listen, carefully love, and safely provide environments of grace that usher people into a deeper relationship with God, themselves, and others. It is my hope that the gospel will creatively and

Chacko, Tom and Ambika #20526
Tom and Ambika Chacko are the founders of Santhi Bhavan Mission, the sole community outreach ministry to an unreached village in the state of Kerala, India. The mission has been in existence for over 15 years and has grown to

Chitwood, Brandon and Alyson #20450
Brandon and Alyson Chitwood are currently serving on the near and far eastside of Indianapolis. After meeting at Lincoln Christian University, marrying, and graduating with their degrees in 2015, they followed the Lord’s calling to inner city Chicago, where they

Cleveland, Diana #20420
Hello! Thank you for your interest in my ministry! I welcome immigrants, international, and refugee families with hospitality, friendship, and the love of Jesus Christ and I teach others to do the same. I currently serve the Lord in Mukilteo,

Coulson, Scott & Dalia #20038
Director of Street Level Ministries, Local and International operations targeting unreached people groups.

David & Melanie #20269
David and Melanie’s missionary career spans more than three decades. Currently based in the U.S., David travels periodically to Southeast Asia to support Bible translation and church planting efforts among unreached people groups, particularly in the areas of language survey,

DesertRose #20028
My heart is to reach Arab Muslims with the love and good news of Jesus. It was my great joy and honor to serve the Lord for 30 years in the Middle East as a single woman, but in 2017

DiMartino, Ricky & Aidan #20515
“Far-flung ocean islands wait expectantly for his teaching” (Isaiah 42:4 MSG). God has called our family overseas! In 2025, we head to the country of Vanuatu—to declare the goodness of God, to expand access to God’s Word, and to come alongside

Droma, Ciprian and Eve #20164
Ciprian and Eve met in the Middle East in 2012, where they were both working with Sorani Kurds. Ciprian taught singing at the local State University, transcribed Christian songs, and worked in church planting. Eve assisted in Scripture-based trauma healing

Dutra, Mike & Sharon #20081
Our Story “Be Transformed Ministries” was founded in 2011 after we realized just how powerful the book Be Transformed: By the Spirit of the Living God had become. We started receiving overwhelming feedback about changed lives; relationships were deepening, and

Eichelberger, Brian & Pam #20347
Although the Czech Republic is the most irreligious nation in the world, there is a ground swell movement of God, especially among young adults, to reach the next generation. God has opened some new doors for us, after 20 years

Feher, Csaba & Agnes #20183
We are building God’s Kingdom by writing, translating, and distributing Gospel tracts and other evangelistic materials in European countries in their native languages. We mobilize churches there for outreach and help them grow. We also organize mission trips for churches in the US and

Harris, Melissa #20447
With many years of experience in ministry and missions, Melissa Harris knows first-hand that being a missionary is not easy. Difficulties and stressors arise while on the field that can bring discouragement, depression, anxiety, discord in spousal and family relationships,

Hawkes, Tom & Ann #20452
Having served in both parachurch and local church ministry for forty years, Tom and Ann have a passion for helping develop the next generation of leaders for the next generation of churches. Guided by that desire, Tom and Ann are

Hernandez, Fermin & Lucila #20446
We have parenting classes and seminars, marriage conferences and seminars, Bible studies for new believers, leadership seminars to local congregations all done in Ayutla Jalisco, Mexico, and Oxnard, California. We also oversee the Celebrate Recovery program at our church where

James, Ed & Joy #20495
After working as the audio video lighting solutions manager at JAARS (which supports Bible translation) for two years, Ed felt led to begin an organization to help missionaries, mission organizations, pastors, and churches with technology needs. He started Agape Technical

Jessen, Dan & Nancy #20014
Dan and Nancy are retired, but continue to serve as ministry leaders and Bible teachers in their local church.

Johnson, Brad & Becky #20034
Asia Field Directors Brad and Becky Johnson have been involved in international ministry for over 30 years. They have lived and served in the south Pacific islands, Puerto Rico and Chiang Mai, Thailand, teaching at Grace International School for 19

Johnson, Clara #20504
Clara serves at the JAARS base in Waxhaw, North Carolina. JAARS exists to reduce barriers, ease burdens, and deliver God’s Word. They do that through aviation, land, sea, training, and sustaining services to aid in the work of proclaiming the

Joyner, Sharon Leighton #20380
Formerly a country singer, in 1982, Sharon began writing Country/Gospel and other Christian music. Her first gospel recording on CD, AGAINST ALL ODDS, is a compilation of 11 of those songs and the second CD, IT’S NEVER TOO LATE has 10 originals and

Kahn, Daniel & Lucinda #20064
Daniel & Lucinda met in Quebec, Canada studying French, both with the goal of serving as missionaries in Guinea, West Africa. They spent five years in Guinea. A year in Brazil where Lucinda is from and six years in Ecuador.

Karen D. #20513
With over 35 years of cross-cultural ministry experience in the USA and Southeast Asia, I would not be where I am today without the support of others that gave their time to bring me to the feet of Jesus and

Kathy #20195
Linguistic consulting & training upon request, in support of minority language development projects primarily in Asia. Singleness in the global work context — research, writing, initiatives.

Kennedy, Randy & Qb #20290
Southeast Field Directors. We serve as English/Spanish speaking trainers/consultants within theEnglish, Haitian and Hispanic communities of Florida and beyond. Wefocus on disciple-making, facilitating, and connecting for the glory ofJesus Christ. We are committed to Small Simple Slow… I serve as

Kimmons, Eric & Jamie #20019
Kimmons’ Kastle Ministries is a couple devoted to doing ministry to children in Northeast Nebraska. This is carried out through: Administrating and directing Glad Tidings Bible Camp, a child and youth camp dedicated to sharing the Gospel and encouraging discipleship

Kinney, Kurt & Cindy #20273
Our ministry is primarily building Discipleship Communities (DC’s) in small rural communities where Gospel teaching is lacking, to reach the lost, train Christians to maturity and to reproduce themselves in others. We also partner with existing churches without pastors, helping

Lenn, Gary & Judy #20057
The goal of Be Equipped Ministry is to partner with Christians dealing with same-sex attraction and other areas of sexual brokenness to understand their identity in Christ. Our goal for their family, friends, and the body of Christ is to respond to

Lesky, Kathy #20278
Kathy continues to lead a prayer ministry for Mercy Medical Center in Cambodia. She is currently stationed in California, dealing with some health issues.

Leu, Kathy #20256
I live in the inner city of St. Paul, MN amongst mostly impoverished, unchurched and a vast variety of cultures. Along with a team of adults and young adults, we mentor children and youth from neighborhood families on a weekly

Loper, George & Margaret #20317
I do evangelism and discipleship at a local community college in Bluebell, Pa.entitled Montgomery County Community College. I usually spend about four hours a day, four days a week hanging out with students looking for opportunities to befriend and share

Luttrell, Phil & Lynn #20124
Lynn Luttrell is teaching in a Christian School in Greenville, SC. She and her husband Phil host a weekly small group and have an additional hospitality ministry with a local college sports team. She is also part of a summer

Lynch, Matthew and Bridget. #20162
Lynch Family Mission: (Matthew, Bridget, Daniel, Corinne) We are a family dedicated to serving the Lord through a variety of ministries. Our mission is to encourage and equip others to seek and reach the lost, extending our efforts beyond the

Maharaj, Rabi & Franci #20114
I teach a weekly Bible study to a large group of international, intergenerational women. Some drive from far away to attend our Morning Break Bible study. Usually, we study a book of both OT and NT each year. However this

Miller, Rick & Paula #20346
Rick and Paula Miller are partnering with BibleTelling. We are teaching others about the Chronological Bible Story Telling and securing translations of the Bible stories so many can hear the Gospel around the world.

Morel, Steve & Danee #20093
The Morels have a unique ministry providing prosthetic care in Bolivia and Kenya. Few people in these areas have access to proper healthcare, especially prosthetic care. The poor and disabled are especially marginalized, as there is little or no help. We seek

Morgan, Brent & Anna #20433
The Morgan family is serving God in Middle Tennessee through the care and support of foster children and their families. This ministry was born out of a desire to support and encourage foster families as they give the gift of

Nakamura, Aki & Anne #20048
Our ministry is to reach out to international students and their families on the campus of the University of South Carolina. They are those who come to study English. Some are seeking higher degrees. Others are visiting scholars to do

Niel, Doug & Lisa. #20527
Doug and Lisa, founders of Inspiring Hearts, lead a global ministry of inner healing, transformation, and freedom through the gospel of Jesus Christ. They equip pastors, missionaries, and ministry leaders in missionary outreach, marketplace evangelism, and student ministries. Their passion

Noonan, Pat & Donna #20349
El Puente Ministry is involved as a bridge in the Monument Community of Concord, California. The Monument is an under-resourced, underserved and very diverse community. There are a variety of resources and needs.

Overgaard, Hiland #20283
Hiland is an evangelist in the Twin Cities, heading an initiative called Access Evangelism, which works with churches and other ministries to help them lead their own evangelism. Minneapolis-St. Paul is a hub of evangelism, with more than a dozen

Reifel, Earl & Clare #20210
The Reifel’s began their missionary career by ministering in evangelism, discipleship, and church planting in a remote area of North Eastern Sierra Leone. Following the war, the National Church asked them to move to the capital city of the north and

Reynolds, Jason & Rachel #20506
We are grateful for the opportunity to serve the Lord in Northern Michigan by partnering with Crossroads Farm, a rural youth missions organization whose goal is “for every secondary student in our surrounding area to hear the gospel of Christ

Roberts, Mark & Therese #20425
My first priority has been traveling abroad to teach at Bible Schools, pastor training centers and seminary. I have made three trips in the past year. My focus is Russian speaking countries since that is where almost all my experience

Rodriguez, Steve and Sharon #20434
Steve and Sharon Rodriguez, previously in Nairobi, Kenya, serve the Lord in Phoenix, Arizona with Arizona Christian Arts Ministries (AzCAM). The goal of AzCAM is to enfold artists into a Christian community to hone their craft, build community and grow

Roeder, Timothy #20334
Senior Pastor/Bible Teacher – Full Throttle Biker ChurchField Missionary – Local Biker OutreachField Missionary — Local Celtic Festivals and EventsVeterans Ministry – Outreach, Counseling, Homeless Veteran Assistance, American Legion Chaplain Sunday Morning Church Services with Full Throttle Biker Church –

Rosa, Joe & Sharon #20022
After 33 years on 3 continents while serving in Christian international education, Joe and Sharon continue their ministry online from Colorado Springs, CO. Even though forced to leave Ukraine by Covid and war, they continue to support the Ukrainian staff

Rosenstiel, Dennis & Debbie #20365
Our goal is to share the Gospel with the lost and poor in tribal areas of Asia. This includes helping the poor, the orphans, the widows, village churches and Children’s Home.

Ruble, Melissa #20067
Melissa has been with Ripe For Harvest since May 2014. She is a missionary serving full-time yet currently resides within the borders of the US. Melissa has served overseas in Central America and has a background of 15 years as

SandS #20299
We serve in the U.S. and in South Asia to share the good news of hope with the needy, hurting, and the lost. We provide consultation, learning opportunities for people to develop a viable framework for truth, belief, justice, and

Searle, Jonathan #20523
Jonathan serves on the Member Development Team, providing in-field care that helps missionaries serve fruitfully and address issues that may keep them from leaving the field of ministry. The Team serves missionaries that work with unreached people groups in Mexico and the

Sheridan, Tyler #20502
Tyler Sheridan has been in ministry for the past decade, working with various churches and para-church organizations, all focused on youth ministry to middle and high school students. Tyler started out his journey working for a local church overseeing their

Smith, Yunior & Jessica #20439
Having met in 2015 on one of Jessica’s short-term mission trips to Cuba, Yunior and Jessica are now married and living in La Habana, Cuba. They are both passionate to reach the Cuban people with the message of hope in

Stork, Lindsay #20426
Hi, My name is Lindsay Stork and I have the privilege of being a full-time missionary to the Deaf in America! The Deaf are sadly the largest unreached group of people in the world. With approximately 4 million Deaf in America, only 4%

Taylor, Eileen #20354
Proclaiming the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the incarcerated, the released, and the hurting through: evangelism, discipleship, Bible teaching, Bible distribution, program placement, domestic violence relief and Chaplaincy.

Ted & Denise #20047
We reach out to international students with the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ.

Townsend, Martha #20134
Martha coordinates the daytime and evening women’s Bible studies at her church Cornerstone of Boulder, where some 90+ women attend weekly. In addition, she provides training for the small group leaders, hospitality and prayer leaders for each group. Also, she

Travis, Toby & Tannia #20245
Dr. Toby Travis is an experienced educational leader, author, consultant, and mentor to other school administrators around the globe. Toby and Tannia Travis are committed to a ministry of developing and supporting school leaders who exhibit a high level of trust. Their ministry began while

Vurbeff, Gregg & Kim #20311
Vice President Gregg and Kim currently serve in the U.S., France, and Spain. Gregg serves as the Vice President of Ripe for Harvest. Gregg and Kim help shepherd RFH’s seven global Field Directors and travel to more than 40 countries

Walder, Lauren #20494
As the Prayer Facilitator for both the non-profit anti-trafficking ministry, Bridges4Justice, and The 6:8 Gospel of the Evangelical Free Church of America, I support the work of Biblical justice locally and globally by facilitating intercession as well as encouraging, mobilizing,

Williams, Susan #20448
And the King will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you did it to ME.’ – Matthew 25:40 ESVPeople need people! As we serve God, that

Yentsch, Nate & Lindsay #20524
Nathan and Lindsay have moved their family to North Minneapolis to make disciples of Jesus Christ. They have an inner-city ministry that is relational and holistic in its approach. In partnership with Northside Neighborhood Church, Nathan and Lindsay actively engage

Adams, Glen & Susan #20288
Glen works with Wycliffe Bible Translators/JAARS to develop and provide safer solutions for missionaries who have to travel by water to reach their language communities in remote areas of the world. He and Susan are now based out of Wilmington,

Agostini, Gabe & Judy #20068
Gabe is the General Director for SALT (Support and Leadership Training) with the purpose totrain leaders and pastors in the Spanish world (South America and Europe) Reaching over 1500 leaders in a year is part of his ministry to be

Anderson, Jim & Dawn #20431
Northeast Field Directors. Recently transitioned to the US, Jim and Dawn are serving global workers full time in the role of missionary care. Spending over 14 years in a small West African village in a medical/discipleship/development capacity opened their eyes

Barrie, Darrel & Lori #20263
I am teaching Middle School Bible & US History @ Scottsdale Christian Academy. With SCA I’m leading a mission team of high school students to provide service work and evangelism to an economically challenged area in Eutaw, Alabama in March

Battaglia, Steve & Janis #20075
Steve serves as pastor of Capron Baptist Church in Capron, Virginia. We pray that all at Capron Baptist will “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” to the glory of God. Listen to, or

Bertram, Nate & Trudy #20436
Nate & Trudy Bertram are ministering in McDowell County, West Virginia. Their goal is to IGNITE HOPE by helping to lay the groundwork for healthy groups of Jesus-followers within the community. They achieve this through redemptive relationships, Bible study groups,

Blakeslee, Craig & Gloria #20125
After serving as missionaries in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, for seven years, Craig and Rossy are now serving the Lord in Alice, Texas. Craig is the senior pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church, and Rossy is serving as the volunteer Director of Children

Brown, Matthew and Aubrey #20520
Matthew and Aubrey live in Northern California, on the foothills of Mt. Lassen. We have 3 kids: Shiloh, Malachi, and Zinnia. We desire to serve people in three ways. First, Matthew is the pastor of Oak Run Bible Church in

Brown, Steven & Gayle #20442
Northwest Field Directors Steve and Gayle are retired teachers who love to travel and support ministry around the world. They are currently partnering with locals and expatriates in SE Asia to train and support widows, orphans, and shepherds to experience

Buck, Robert & Jody #20444
Bob and Jody Buck have ministered and served in the USA, Canada and Costa Rica for a number of years. Evangelism, discipleship, church planting, training leaders and family ministry has been their focus. They have also led small groups. Bob

C. #20054
C works with victims of abuse, helping share with them the hope, love, and lordship of Jesus Christ.

Caligiuri, Christopher #20422
It is both my calling and privilege to genuinely listen, carefully love, and safely provide environments of grace that usher people into a deeper relationship with God, themselves, and others. It is my hope that the gospel will creatively and

Chacko, Tom and Ambika #20526
Tom and Ambika Chacko are the founders of Santhi Bhavan Mission, the sole community outreach ministry to an unreached village in the state of Kerala, India. The mission has been in existence for over 15 years and has grown to

Chitwood, Brandon and Alyson #20450
Brandon and Alyson Chitwood are currently serving on the near and far eastside of Indianapolis. After meeting at Lincoln Christian University, marrying, and graduating with their degrees in 2015, they followed the Lord’s calling to inner city Chicago, where they

Cleveland, Diana #20420
Hello! Thank you for your interest in my ministry! I welcome immigrants, international, and refugee families with hospitality, friendship, and the love of Jesus Christ and I teach others to do the same. I currently serve the Lord in Mukilteo,

Coulson, Scott & Dalia #20038
Director of Street Level Ministries, Local and International operations targeting unreached people groups.

David & Melanie #20269
David and Melanie’s missionary career spans more than three decades. Currently based in the U.S., David travels periodically to Southeast Asia to support Bible translation and church planting efforts among unreached people groups, particularly in the areas of language survey,

DesertRose #20028
My heart is to reach Arab Muslims with the love and good news of Jesus. It was my great joy and honor to serve the Lord for 30 years in the Middle East as a single woman, but in 2017

DiMartino, Ricky & Aidan #20515
“Far-flung ocean islands wait expectantly for his teaching” (Isaiah 42:4 MSG). God has called our family overseas! In 2025, we head to the country of Vanuatu—to declare the goodness of God, to expand access to God’s Word, and to come alongside

Droma, Ciprian and Eve #20164
Ciprian and Eve met in the Middle East in 2012, where they were both working with Sorani Kurds. Ciprian taught singing at the local State University, transcribed Christian songs, and worked in church planting. Eve assisted in Scripture-based trauma healing

Dutra, Mike & Sharon #20081
Our Story “Be Transformed Ministries” was founded in 2011 after we realized just how powerful the book Be Transformed: By the Spirit of the Living God had become. We started receiving overwhelming feedback about changed lives; relationships were deepening, and

Eichelberger, Brian & Pam #20347
Although the Czech Republic is the most irreligious nation in the world, there is a ground swell movement of God, especially among young adults, to reach the next generation. God has opened some new doors for us, after 20 years

Feher, Csaba & Agnes #20183
We are building God’s Kingdom by writing, translating, and distributing Gospel tracts and other evangelistic materials in European countries in their native languages. We mobilize churches there for outreach and help them grow. We also organize mission trips for churches in the US and

Harris, Melissa #20447
With many years of experience in ministry and missions, Melissa Harris knows first-hand that being a missionary is not easy. Difficulties and stressors arise while on the field that can bring discouragement, depression, anxiety, discord in spousal and family relationships,

Hawkes, Tom & Ann #20452
Having served in both parachurch and local church ministry for forty years, Tom and Ann have a passion for helping develop the next generation of leaders for the next generation of churches. Guided by that desire, Tom and Ann are

Hernandez, Fermin & Lucila #20446
We have parenting classes and seminars, marriage conferences and seminars, Bible studies for new believers, leadership seminars to local congregations all done in Ayutla Jalisco, Mexico, and Oxnard, California. We also oversee the Celebrate Recovery program at our church where

James, Ed & Joy #20495
After working as the audio video lighting solutions manager at JAARS (which supports Bible translation) for two years, Ed felt led to begin an organization to help missionaries, mission organizations, pastors, and churches with technology needs. He started Agape Technical

Jessen, Dan & Nancy #20014
Dan and Nancy are retired, but continue to serve as ministry leaders and Bible teachers in their local church.

Johnson, Brad & Becky #20034
Asia Field Directors Brad and Becky Johnson have been involved in international ministry for over 30 years. They have lived and served in the south Pacific islands, Puerto Rico and Chiang Mai, Thailand, teaching at Grace International School for 19

Johnson, Clara #20504
Clara serves at the JAARS base in Waxhaw, North Carolina. JAARS exists to reduce barriers, ease burdens, and deliver God’s Word. They do that through aviation, land, sea, training, and sustaining services to aid in the work of proclaiming the

Joyner, Sharon Leighton #20380
Formerly a country singer, in 1982, Sharon began writing Country/Gospel and other Christian music. Her first gospel recording on CD, AGAINST ALL ODDS, is a compilation of 11 of those songs and the second CD, IT’S NEVER TOO LATE has 10 originals and

Kahn, Daniel & Lucinda #20064
Daniel & Lucinda met in Quebec, Canada studying French, both with the goal of serving as missionaries in Guinea, West Africa. They spent five years in Guinea. A year in Brazil where Lucinda is from and six years in Ecuador.

Karen D. #20513
With over 35 years of cross-cultural ministry experience in the USA and Southeast Asia, I would not be where I am today without the support of others that gave their time to bring me to the feet of Jesus and

Kathy #20195
Linguistic consulting & training upon request, in support of minority language development projects primarily in Asia. Singleness in the global work context — research, writing, initiatives.

Kennedy, Randy & Qb #20290
Southeast Field Directors. We serve as English/Spanish speaking trainers/consultants within theEnglish, Haitian and Hispanic communities of Florida and beyond. Wefocus on disciple-making, facilitating, and connecting for the glory ofJesus Christ. We are committed to Small Simple Slow… I serve as

Kimmons, Eric & Jamie #20019
Kimmons’ Kastle Ministries is a couple devoted to doing ministry to children in Northeast Nebraska. This is carried out through: Administrating and directing Glad Tidings Bible Camp, a child and youth camp dedicated to sharing the Gospel and encouraging discipleship

Kinney, Kurt & Cindy #20273
Our ministry is primarily building Discipleship Communities (DC’s) in small rural communities where Gospel teaching is lacking, to reach the lost, train Christians to maturity and to reproduce themselves in others. We also partner with existing churches without pastors, helping

Lenn, Gary & Judy #20057
The goal of Be Equipped Ministry is to partner with Christians dealing with same-sex attraction and other areas of sexual brokenness to understand their identity in Christ. Our goal for their family, friends, and the body of Christ is to respond to

Lesky, Kathy #20278
Kathy continues to lead a prayer ministry for Mercy Medical Center in Cambodia. She is currently stationed in California, dealing with some health issues.

Leu, Kathy #20256
I live in the inner city of St. Paul, MN amongst mostly impoverished, unchurched and a vast variety of cultures. Along with a team of adults and young adults, we mentor children and youth from neighborhood families on a weekly

Loper, George & Margaret #20317
I do evangelism and discipleship at a local community college in Bluebell, Pa.entitled Montgomery County Community College. I usually spend about four hours a day, four days a week hanging out with students looking for opportunities to befriend and share

Luttrell, Phil & Lynn #20124
Lynn Luttrell is teaching in a Christian School in Greenville, SC. She and her husband Phil host a weekly small group and have an additional hospitality ministry with a local college sports team. She is also part of a summer

Lynch, Matthew and Bridget. #20162
Lynch Family Mission: (Matthew, Bridget, Daniel, Corinne) We are a family dedicated to serving the Lord through a variety of ministries. Our mission is to encourage and equip others to seek and reach the lost, extending our efforts beyond the

Maharaj, Rabi & Franci #20114
I teach a weekly Bible study to a large group of international, intergenerational women. Some drive from far away to attend our Morning Break Bible study. Usually, we study a book of both OT and NT each year. However this

Miller, Rick & Paula #20346
Rick and Paula Miller are partnering with BibleTelling. We are teaching others about the Chronological Bible Story Telling and securing translations of the Bible stories so many can hear the Gospel around the world.

Morel, Steve & Danee #20093
The Morels have a unique ministry providing prosthetic care in Bolivia and Kenya. Few people in these areas have access to proper healthcare, especially prosthetic care. The poor and disabled are especially marginalized, as there is little or no help. We seek

Morgan, Brent & Anna #20433
The Morgan family is serving God in Middle Tennessee through the care and support of foster children and their families. This ministry was born out of a desire to support and encourage foster families as they give the gift of

Nakamura, Aki & Anne #20048
Our ministry is to reach out to international students and their families on the campus of the University of South Carolina. They are those who come to study English. Some are seeking higher degrees. Others are visiting scholars to do

Niel, Doug & Lisa. #20527
Doug and Lisa, founders of Inspiring Hearts, lead a global ministry of inner healing, transformation, and freedom through the gospel of Jesus Christ. They equip pastors, missionaries, and ministry leaders in missionary outreach, marketplace evangelism, and student ministries. Their passion

Noonan, Pat & Donna #20349
El Puente Ministry is involved as a bridge in the Monument Community of Concord, California. The Monument is an under-resourced, underserved and very diverse community. There are a variety of resources and needs.

Overgaard, Hiland #20283
Hiland is an evangelist in the Twin Cities, heading an initiative called Access Evangelism, which works with churches and other ministries to help them lead their own evangelism. Minneapolis-St. Paul is a hub of evangelism, with more than a dozen

Reifel, Earl & Clare #20210
The Reifel’s began their missionary career by ministering in evangelism, discipleship, and church planting in a remote area of North Eastern Sierra Leone. Following the war, the National Church asked them to move to the capital city of the north and

Reynolds, Jason & Rachel #20506
We are grateful for the opportunity to serve the Lord in Northern Michigan by partnering with Crossroads Farm, a rural youth missions organization whose goal is “for every secondary student in our surrounding area to hear the gospel of Christ

Roberts, Mark & Therese #20425
My first priority has been traveling abroad to teach at Bible Schools, pastor training centers and seminary. I have made three trips in the past year. My focus is Russian speaking countries since that is where almost all my experience

Rodriguez, Steve and Sharon #20434
Steve and Sharon Rodriguez, previously in Nairobi, Kenya, serve the Lord in Phoenix, Arizona with Arizona Christian Arts Ministries (AzCAM). The goal of AzCAM is to enfold artists into a Christian community to hone their craft, build community and grow

Roeder, Timothy #20334
Senior Pastor/Bible Teacher – Full Throttle Biker ChurchField Missionary – Local Biker OutreachField Missionary — Local Celtic Festivals and EventsVeterans Ministry – Outreach, Counseling, Homeless Veteran Assistance, American Legion Chaplain Sunday Morning Church Services with Full Throttle Biker Church –

Rosa, Joe & Sharon #20022
After 33 years on 3 continents while serving in Christian international education, Joe and Sharon continue their ministry online from Colorado Springs, CO. Even though forced to leave Ukraine by Covid and war, they continue to support the Ukrainian staff

Rosenstiel, Dennis & Debbie #20365
Our goal is to share the Gospel with the lost and poor in tribal areas of Asia. This includes helping the poor, the orphans, the widows, village churches and Children’s Home.

Ruble, Melissa #20067
Melissa has been with Ripe For Harvest since May 2014. She is a missionary serving full-time yet currently resides within the borders of the US. Melissa has served overseas in Central America and has a background of 15 years as

SandS #20299
We serve in the U.S. and in South Asia to share the good news of hope with the needy, hurting, and the lost. We provide consultation, learning opportunities for people to develop a viable framework for truth, belief, justice, and

Searle, Jonathan #20523
Jonathan serves on the Member Development Team, providing in-field care that helps missionaries serve fruitfully and address issues that may keep them from leaving the field of ministry. The Team serves missionaries that work with unreached people groups in Mexico and the

Sheridan, Tyler #20502
Tyler Sheridan has been in ministry for the past decade, working with various churches and para-church organizations, all focused on youth ministry to middle and high school students. Tyler started out his journey working for a local church overseeing their

Smith, Yunior & Jessica #20439
Having met in 2015 on one of Jessica’s short-term mission trips to Cuba, Yunior and Jessica are now married and living in La Habana, Cuba. They are both passionate to reach the Cuban people with the message of hope in

Stork, Lindsay #20426
Hi, My name is Lindsay Stork and I have the privilege of being a full-time missionary to the Deaf in America! The Deaf are sadly the largest unreached group of people in the world. With approximately 4 million Deaf in America, only 4%

Taylor, Eileen #20354
Proclaiming the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the incarcerated, the released, and the hurting through: evangelism, discipleship, Bible teaching, Bible distribution, program placement, domestic violence relief and Chaplaincy.

Ted & Denise #20047
We reach out to international students with the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ.

Townsend, Martha #20134
Martha coordinates the daytime and evening women’s Bible studies at her church Cornerstone of Boulder, where some 90+ women attend weekly. In addition, she provides training for the small group leaders, hospitality and prayer leaders for each group. Also, she

Travis, Toby & Tannia #20245
Dr. Toby Travis is an experienced educational leader, author, consultant, and mentor to other school administrators around the globe. Toby and Tannia Travis are committed to a ministry of developing and supporting school leaders who exhibit a high level of trust. Their ministry began while

Vurbeff, Gregg & Kim #20311
Vice President Gregg and Kim currently serve in the U.S., France, and Spain. Gregg serves as the Vice President of Ripe for Harvest. Gregg and Kim help shepherd RFH’s seven global Field Directors and travel to more than 40 countries

Walder, Lauren #20494
As the Prayer Facilitator for both the non-profit anti-trafficking ministry, Bridges4Justice, and The 6:8 Gospel of the Evangelical Free Church of America, I support the work of Biblical justice locally and globally by facilitating intercession as well as encouraging, mobilizing,

Williams, Susan #20448
And the King will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you did it to ME.’ – Matthew 25:40 ESVPeople need people! As we serve God, that

Yentsch, Nate & Lindsay #20524
Nathan and Lindsay have moved their family to North Minneapolis to make disciples of Jesus Christ. They have an inner-city ministry that is relational and holistic in its approach. In partnership with Northside Neighborhood Church, Nathan and Lindsay actively engage