A Unique Mission Sending Agency Tailored to the Individual Staff Member​

Reaching the lost in the jungles or in the prisons of the world​​
Our staff members go to the extremes to reach the lost. In the amazon jungle or behind bars, our staff brings hope, love and forgiveness.
Planting churches
Our staff members are building lasting, sustainable bodies of believers. As a result of their work in church planting, nationals are now being supported and sent out to reach the lost.
Serving the poor and disadvantaged
Our staff members serve in clinics and hospitals throughout the world, bringing health and hope to those in need.
Building social capital through education
Many of our staff members are working within the education system. Their aim is to use education as a “bridge” to share the gospel message.
Thinking outside the box through social networking
Our staff members have the freedom to think outside the box. We are a field driven ministry, not corporate driven (see faq’s). We give our staff the freedom to follow their unique God given calling.
Building social capital to build relationships
Whether it’s in India or Mexico, our staff members are finding ways to meet the physical needs that in turn allows them to share the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ.
Loving everyone!
Sharing the gospel while meeting basic fundamental needs is at the heart of reaching subcultures. Our staff embraces those that are marginalized and outcasts. The results are eternal and bring glory to God.
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“We will not lower our personnel qualifications for candidates, but we broaden the base of opportunities for service.”


Who is Ripe For Harvest?

From our founder to the international and regional directors, our staff members come from different cultures and backgrounds and serve in a variety of capacities. Meet some of our Ripe for Harvest team members making an impact for Christ all around the world.

About Us

What is the purpose of this ministry?

Our primary purpose of this ministry is: “To propagate the gospel and further the cause of the kingdom of God in our local communities, the United States of America and in foreign lands.”


How can I support a staff member?

We make supporting staff around the globe straightforward. There are 3 ways to give to Ripe For Harvest: Electronic Fund Bank Transfers, Credit/Debit Card/eCheck or through the Mail. We thank you for your support!

Here's what some of our staff have to say:

“With our last organization, we were split between what they wanted us to do and what God was calling us to do.  We now feel the support of RFH’s leadership to do what God has called us to do, and we are seeing the blessings of that in all that God is doing in our obedience to Him.”
“Joining RFH has allowed us to fulfill our ministry. Our prior mission agency micromanaged us, report by report, something we disliked. RFH is missionary led... and that's what we like most about this mission agency.”
“Ripe for Harvest doesn't have layers of bureaucracy. As a member I can contact the president and our other leaders directly."
"I love RFH because there is tremendous freedom to pursue the call of God on my life however God wants that to be manifested, in whatever way or wherever He chooses.”
“RFH feels like family. RFH encourages you and gives you the freedom to serve when, where, and how you believe God has directed you.”
“I feel that RFH is more of a “family” than our previous org. The whole team is relational and within reach, all the way up to the president!”
“We very much appreciate that in RFH we’re seen as unique individuals with unique personal and ministry needs.  This is allowing us to thrive.”
“I love being able to develop and utilize my gifts and talents without being pressured to conform to requirements that are not within my areas of strength.”
“It is pure joy to be encouraged by RFH to serve in the unique ministry God has given me rather than be told this does not meet the standard requirements of acceptable ministries for the organization.”
“Most mission agencies want you to fulfill their ministry focus. Ripe for Harvest allows you to fulfill God’s calling and leading in your life as to where He wants you and what He wants you to do.”
“Early in our ministry on the field with RFH I sent an email to RFH..."What is RFH's policy on going back to the states to be with our young adult children in need."  Their comment:  "Our policy is that you do what you think is best for your children."
“I love RFH due to the fact they trust me to listen to the Holy Spirit working in my life. My other organization limited me to what they felt God wanted me to do.”
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Our desire is to put into practice Ephesians 4:12, “to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.”

In so doing we are responding and fulfilling our Lord’s prayer request: “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field”

Matthew 9:38 | Luke 10:2

Your trust is important to us, so we are members of: