Williams, Susan #20448

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And the King will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you did it to ME.’  – Matthew 25:40 ESV
People need people! As we serve God, that leads to serving others.


After years of service both overseas and in the USA, I’m passionate about serving God’s people in missions. As a teacher in Papua New Guinea, a mission center hostess, and field orientation coordinator, I learned much about the needs of missionaries. I returned to the USA and now work at JAARS in Waxhaw, NC (a partner with Wycliffe Bible Translators). Reaching out to missionaries abroad and at home, I minister to those returning from the field and also assist in the spiritual growth of our staff through the planning of spiritual life events.
I’m also functioning in a “Dorcas Ministry” to those around me. For our missionaries, I’m planning teas for women, reaching out to the elderly, communicating online with those overseas, and more. And I’m sharing the love of Christ through Good News Clubs in a public school and through ministry in my local church.
If you would like to receive my twice-monthly emails, write to me at swilliams6909@gmail.com. Thank you so much for partnering with me and sharing God’s heart for His servants.