Vurbeff, Gregg & Kim #20311

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Vice President.

Gregg and Kim currently serve in the U.S., France, and Spain. Gregg serves as the Vice President of Ripe for Harvest. Gregg and Kim help shepherd RFH’s five global Field Directors and travel to more than 40 countries visiting/shepherding RFH staff, and along with vetting potential new staff, they are the New Staff Facilitator/Coach. Together locally, they lead both the Freedom in Christ Discipleship courses and Support Raising Encouragement Groups based on the book “The God Ask.”

Along with these roles,  they partner with others to help with the International Christian Community Church in France and Spain.

Gregg and Kim have been in full-time ministry for 34 years serving with Campus Crusade (Cru) in New York City with the Executive Ministries, Budapest, Hungary as the Eastern European “Jesus” Film Coordinator, and in the United States with History’s Handful. They have also served on various church teams in Den Haag, Netherlands, Sophia Antipolis, Grenoble, and Lyon, France.