Are you a potential candidate with Ripe For Harvest World Outreach?
Step 1:
Please take a few minutes to read the Statement of Faith, Values of Ripe for Harvest, and Criteria for Missions Candidates, all found in our:
If you feel that you are in line with these documents, please continue to Step 2.
Statement of Faith
- We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.
- We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
- We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential.
- We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.
- We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost: that they are saved unto the resurrection of life, and they are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
- We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
- We believe God’s plan for human sexuality is to be expressed only within the context of marriage and that the Biblical definition of marriage is exclusively the union of one man and one woman.
The Values of Ripe for Harvest World Outreach
- Ripe for Harvest places a high value on the ‘call to service’ in which each of our staff has responded. Every Christian should have an opportunity to serve the Lord with the call and the gifts that he or she has received from the Holy Spirit. We believe that it is “Our mission is to help you fulfill your mission”.
- Ripe for Harvest places a high value on applicants who are otherwise qualified to serve but have limitations in their respective personnel file that prohibits them from serving. Our stated goal is “Not to lower our standards for staff member applicants, but to broaden the base in which they can serve.”
- Ripe for Harvest places a high value on those applicants that just do not fit the typical profile of the traditional mission-sending agency. At Ripe for Harvest “We find a place for the hard to place”.
- Ripe for Harvest places a high value on accountability. We have built into our system a number of checkpoints that lead to total accountability: We subscribe to ECFA and its ‘ Seven standards of responsible stewardship and best practices’: A responsible board of directors and executive staff, supporting churches, interested individual donors, compliance with IRS regulations for non-profits and churches, adherence to local state agencies and foreign government regulations, stipulations and resolutions as found in our Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws, staff that calls us to account for perceived discrepancies, and annual audits as required by ECFA and IRS with a recognized auditing firm. Most importantly, we are accountable to the Holy Spirit who oversees all of our activity in all of these respective areas with the belief that He will respond with a ‘well done thou good and faithful mission sending agency’!
- Ripe for Harvest places a high value on sound doctrine. We have belonged to the National Association of Evangelicals for 25 years and have adopted their Statement of Faith. In addition to this one page summary of its doctrinal position, our By-Laws have an extensive multipage doctrinal statement.
- Ripe for Harvest places a high value on the privacy of its donors and their history of giving. Ripe for Harvest does not solicit funds from names that belong to the staff member for its own purposes or expenses. We have a statement that says, “If we can not do what needs to be done on the administrative share (12%), it will not get done”. We do not sell, trade, send mission letters, or use the database of donor names for solicitation of funds. The only time we communicate with the donor is to send them an acknowledgment for each gift received for a designated staff member. Periodically, we will send donors a field report of a specific mission assignment with that staff member’s permission. We do this only if the President, International Field Director, Regional Director, or other home office designated representative has visited the staff member on the field and has a person on-site report.
- Ripe for Harvest places a high value on its applicants. It has published its Criteria for Staff Candidates on the website. This was the subject of Dr. Smith’s Thesis Project in pursuit of his Doctorate of Ministry degree. Each applicant must comply with these stated criteria.
- Ripe for Harvest places a high value on its administrative responsibilities. We maintain an up-to-date database of donors, maintain all payroll and expense reimbursements, comply with regulations regarding withholdings of state, federal, and social security requirements, issue W-4 tax statements, maintain all accounts payable, and provide any requested filings from government agencies. It has proper, comprehensive, and adequate liability insurance coverage and secure and encrypted web pages when asking for personal information.
- Ripe for Harvest places a high value on the integrity of its own corporation and the mission and vision to which it was established. In keeping with its By-Laws, it has regular Board of Director’s meetings, maintains a current and complete set of minutes, required governance, compensation, benefits, and compliance committees.
- Ripe for Harvest places a high value on its officers, executive staff, the board of directors, and every field staff member in that they are held to a higher standard of Biblical teachings, principles, commandments, and the mandate as found in the Great Commission.
Step 2:
Once you’ve read and agree with the documents within Step 1 and have determined your eligibility, please follow the following instructions:
Application Fee of $150.00 (non-refundable). Please note, minimal requirements to process your application is a U.S. Social Security Number and a U.S. Bank Account. If you meet these minimal requirements, please go to our “Donate” page, click on the drop-down box, and chose Application Fee. Add the $150.00, continue to fill in the needed information, and click Submit. Please note: “this fee is waived for those who transfer from another agency.”
Return to this page and complete the secured online application. We suggest having the following information easily available for your convenience in completing the application process: a list of your references, job history, education information, and an electronic picture to upload.
If you are married, only one application is needed.
After you have completed and submitted the application, please send a horizontal picture of yourself (and spouse if married) to ripeforharvestmission@gmail.com.
Step 3:
Once you’ve completed the application(s), we will contact you to download and complete the following documents:
• Fill out and sign the W4 (Please Do Not Include Social Security Number)
• Fill out and sign the I9 (Please Do Not Include Social Security Number or Birth Date)
• Fill out and sign the Employee Direct Deposit Authorization Form (Please include scanned Voided Check) (PDF) (WORD)
A horizontal headshot picture of yourself/your family.
We will let you know the email address to send the above documents.
If you have questions, please Contact Us