Holman, Ben and Kara. #20518

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Ben grew up as the son of a pastor and missionary. Growing up in South America, he felt called to the mission field from a young age. After moving to the States from Bolivia at 18 years old, he graduated from Moody Bible Institute, served as a youth pastor, and launched multiple Young Adult ministries.
Born and raised in Clearwater, Florida, Kara grew up in a globally-minded church. She felt called to become a full-time missionary at age 14 after her family hosted and befriended missionaries from South Africa. After high school, Kara completed a discipleship training program in Boston, MA, focusing on evangelism through creative arts.
Ben and Kara got married in 2015 and now have four small children. They are raising support to serve in Tamale, Ghana. They’re called to work in evangelism and discipleship to the majority Muslim population. They will work to mentor and disciple local believers, increasing the biblical literacy of the local church, which is a desperate need in Tamale. Ben and Kara are passionate about expanding the Kingdom of God by partnering with Ghanaian teams to plant churches in Tamale and the surrounding villages.
Ben’s Instagram: Ben.Holman.37
Kara’s Instagram: Fierysongbird
Ben’s WhatsApp # +1 727-799-3081
Kara’s WhatsApp # +1 727-642-0862