Holden, Darrell & Sondra #20319

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Holden, Darrell and Sondra – Acct #20319

Donations sent to this fund help the Holdens to ‘live and serve’ the Lord and His people in Ecuador, S.A.

Darrell and Sondra are the founders and shepherds of Despensa de Gracia (Pantry of Grace) which serves Ecuadorian families-in-distress and immigrant/refugee families from Venezuela and Colombia currently living in Ecuador. Volunteers from the local Latino community and churches, along with Latino and U.S. Financial and Prayer Partners, help to provide meals, groceries, clothing, medicines, school supplies, basic household items, and evangelistic resources in times of transition or crisis. In addition, the ministry provides guidance in regard to employment opportunities, support for small micro-business start-ups, instruction for legal documentation, and help with basic home repair.

The core team includes: Christian Latino pastors, medical doctors, and a psychologist who offer their services at no (or low) cost, a Christian Venezuelan social worker to help conduct home visits, a Venezuelan couple from a local church who provide personalized guidance with legal documentation, and a bilingual Ecuadorian Christian professional who helps with office tasks.

The primary focus is: to demonstrate the love Christ in times of distress, connect families to local churches, and encourage them to start Life Groups at home with their neighbors, friends, and/or relatives.

Darrell also serves as a member of the Liaison Group for the U.S. Embassy in Ecuador, and is a Security Team Leader with the Samaritan’s Purse DART (Disaster Assistance Response Team), responding ‘on-call’ internationally to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine.

Sondra is also the Administrator/Manager of all ministerial tasks, working from the Holden’s home office.