We are a member of the National Association of Evangelicals. Please visit their homepage for information pertaining to the NAE.

We are a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. We adhere to the ECFA’s Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship listed below. If you would like more detailed information, please visit ECFA. For ECFA’s Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship, see below.

Ripe for Harvest Staff Members Are Held Accountable To:

  • International Field Director
  • Regional Field Director
  • Individual Field Accountability Partners
  • Personal Ministry Partners
  • RFH President and/or his representatives.
  • Ripe for Harvest Board of Directors
  • Members of the NAE and ECFA and their standards

Ripe for Harvest Board of Directors

Steve Hines

Steve and his wife Brenda work in Asia, helping the poor and reaching out to the lost. They are involved in the care of destitute children and widows, and they support pastors and their ministries in small villages. Also, they dig wells to bring clean water to those in need. Formerly, they were teachers before starting a full-time ministry in Russia and other places in 1995. Now, Steve also serves as the President of Ripe For Harvest, doing this since 2018, which he enjoys. They have two grown girls who are married and, so far, they have two grandchildren.

Ken Abbott

Ken married Carolee, in 1981 just after graduating from college.  They have five children- Sarah, Rachel, Luke, John and Benjamin.  They started out in southern California and moved to northern Idaho.

Before moving to northern Idaho, Ken served as an elder at their church as well as on several committees.  Ken and Carolee’s life together has been marked by the support of missions.  They served on their first short-term mission trip while still in college.  Ken made three trips to Russia to support Steve and Brenda Hines’ ministry and later a family trip to India after the Hines’ moved there.

Ken graduated from Cal State Fullerton with a degree in accounting.  He received his MBA from Chapman University.  He worked as a CPA for a number of years before going into private industry, to work with his favorite client, since 1987. He began as controller, became vice-president and now is CFO of this growing and thriving company.

John Wilson

John and Shemayne live in Eugene, Oregon. They’ve been married for 36 years and they have 2 children and 2 grandchildren. John has worked for Georgia Pacific Resins as a Process Controller for the past 30 years and Shemayne has worked for Ripe for Harvest for the past 20 years. Clearly, they don’t like change and plan on serving Ripe for Harvest for many more years. 

Ken Abbot

Ken married Carolee, in 1981 just after graduating from college.  They have five children- Sarah, Rachel, Luke, John and Benjamin.  They started out in southern California and moved to northern California where they have resided since 1997.

Ken serves as an elder at their church as well as on several committees.  Ken and Carolee’s life together has been marked by the support of missions.  They served on their first short-term mission trip while still in college.  Ken made three trips to Russia to support Steve and Brenda Hines’ ministry and later a family trip to India after the Hines’ moved there.

Ken graduated from Cal State Fullerton with a degree in accounting.  He received his MBA from Chapman University.  He worked as a CPA for a number of years before going into private industry, to work with his favorite client, since 1987. He began as controller, became vice-president and now is CFO of this growing and thriving company.

Lou and Lisa Cosentino

Lou and Lisa Cosentino make their home in Central Point,  Oregon, and have been married since 1987.  Lou serves as board secretary for Ripe for Harvest. Lou has worked for FedEx Freight since 1991 as a Senior Technician in vehicle maintenance and Lisa works as an education assistant with the local school district.  They have 2 children, Nicole (husband Ryan) and John, and a grandson, Sam.  Lou and Lisa came to know Christ as Savior in 1988 and both serve on their local church leadership boards.  Lou went to Pacific Bible College and graduated in 2010 with an A.A.S. in Biblical Studies.

Gordon Paeyeneers

Gordon Paeyeneers has served as a board member with Ripe for Harvest since 2017. Gordon’s career background includes owning and operating an Insurance Agency for over 25 years. He has also served as an Agency business consultant with a National Insurance company for over 10 years. Gordon has served at his home church on advisory boards and various community outreach ministries for the past 20 years. He enjoys traveling, hiking, backpacking, bicycling and kayaking. Gordon and his wife Laura have four Adult children a teenage son and six grandchildren.

Lou and Lisa Cosentino

Lou and Lisa Cosentino make their home in Central Point,  Oregon, and have been married since 1987. Lou serves as board secretary for Ripe for Harvest. Lou has worked for FedEx Freight since 1991 as a Senior Technician in vehicle maintenance and Lisa works as an education assistant with the local school district.  They have 2 children, Nicole (husband Ryan) and John, and a grandson, Sam.  Lou and Lisa came to know Christ as Savior in 1988 and both serve on their local church leadership boards.  Lou went to Pacific Bible College and graduated in 2010 with an A.A.S. in Biblical Studies.

ECFA’s Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship:

Standard 1

Doctrinal Issues – Every member shall subscribe to a written statement of faith clearly affirming a commitment to the evangelical Christian faith or shall otherwise demonstrate such commitment and shall operate in accordance with biblical truths and practices.

Standard 2

Governance – Every member shall be governed by a responsible board of not less than five individuals, a majority of whom shall be independent, who shall meet at least semiannually to establish policy and review its accomplishments.

Standard 3

Financial Oversight – Each member shall prepare complete and accurate financial statements. The board or a committee consisting of a majority of independent members shall approve the engagement of an independent certified public accountant, review the annual financial statements and maintain appropriate communication with the independent certified public accountant. The board shall be apprised of any material weaknesses in internal control or other significant risks.

Standard 4

Use of Resources and Compliance with Laws – Every member shall exercise the appropriate management and controls necessary to provide reasonable assurance that all of the member’s operations are carried out and resources are used in a responsible manner and in conformity with applicable laws and regulations, such conformity taking into account biblical mandates.

Standard 5

Transparency – Every member shall provide a copy of its current financial statements upon written request and shall provide other disclosures as the law may require. The financial statements required to comply with Standard 3 must be disclosed under this Standard.

A member must provide a report, upon written request, including financial information on any specific project for which it has sought or is seeking gifts.

Standard 6

Related-party Transactions – Every member shall avoid conflicts of interest. Transactions with related parties may be undertaken only if all of the following are observed:

  1. a material transaction is fully disclosed in the financial statements of the member;
  2. the related party is excluded from the discussion and approval of such transaction;
  3. a competitive bid or comparable valuation exists; and 4) the member’s board has acted upon and demonstrated that the transaction is in the best interest of the member.
Standard 7
Stewardship of Charitable Gifts
  1. Truthfulness in Communications. In securing charitable gifts, all representations of fact, descriptions of the financial condition of the member, or narratives about events must be current, complete, and accurate. References to past activities or events must be appropriately dated. There must be no material omissions or exaggerations of fact, use of misleading photographs or any other communication which would tend to create a false impression or misunderstanding.
  2. Giver Expectations and Intent.  Statements made about the use of gifts by a member in its charitable gift appeals must be honored. A giver’s intent relates both to what was communicated in the appeal and to any instructions accompanying the gift, if accepted by the member. Appeals for charitable gifts must not create unrealistic expectations of what a gift will actually accomplish.
  3. Charitable Gift Communication.  Every member shall provide givers appropriate and timely gift acknowledgments.
  4. Acting in the Best Interest of Givers.  When dealing with persons regarding commitments on major gifts, a member’s representatives must seek to guide and advise givers to adequately consider their broad interests. A member must make every effort to avoid knowingly accepting a gift from or entering into a contract with a giver that would place a hardship on the giver or place the giver’s future well-being in jeopardy.
  5. Percentage Compensation for Securing Charitable Gifts. A member may not base compensation of outside stewardship resource consultants or its own employees directly or indirectly on a percentage of charitable contributions raised.