A Problem Some Missionaries Encounter
There are hundreds of mission sending agencies and all have a mission statement that specifies their particular purpose and vision. If a mission candidate desires to be involved in their specific call to mission, and they meet that particular mission candidate criteria as to qualifications, then there is a presumed match. But what if the candidate has a slightly different concept toward a given mission project or approach to fulfilling ‘The Great Commission’?
The candidate may meet most, if not all, of the stated qualifications and he/she feels that for their particular call to mission they are fully qualified, gifted, trained, prepared, ready, willing, endorsed by family, friends, donors, home church, and are ready go to the field. But, if for some reason their ‘slightly different concept’ or ‘approach to fulfilling The Great Commission’ doesn’t quite match the mission organization guidelines or their personnel file is limited in some way due to their background or circumstances– then what? They may be denied the opportunity to pursue their vision.

Our Solution
This is where Ripe For Harvest World Outreach comes in. Ripe For Harvest World Outreach is an inter-denominational mission sending agency, one of a limited number of mission and church organizations that extend to an individual missionary the opportunity to participate in his or her mission placement.
Our vision is to put into practice Ephesians 4:12, “to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” And in so doing we are responding and fulfilling our Lord’s prayer request: “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” (Mt. 9:38, Luke 10:2). Please take a moment to read the “Values of Ripe for Harvest.” Please Click Here to read Ripe for Harvest Mission and Vision Statement.

Join Us
If the mission activity or project that you have in mind meets with our primary purpose statement, and your personal life is in keeping with the mandates of Scripture, and you agree with our “Statement of Faith “, then you have a place with Ripe For Harvest World Outreach.
Our primary purpose is “To propagate the gospel and further the cause of the kingdom of God in the United States of America and in foreign lands.” We will not lower our personnel qualifications for candidates, but we broaden the base of opportunities for service. We must…in fact, Jesus said it himself, “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest” (John 4:35b).
Quick Facts
Founded in 1979
- Close to 200 staff families
- Ministries in over 37 countries of the world
- A non-denominational mission-sending agency
- Our staff is involved in evangelism, discipleship, church planting, teaching, school administration, prison ministries, conference speaking, Bible translation, ESL opportunities, spiritual counseling, music & creative arts evangelism, house parenting in mission schools and orphanages, and many other ministries that are “Ripe For Harvest.” (John 4:35b)