Morgan, Brent & Anna #20433

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The Morgan family is serving God in Middle Tennessee through the care and support of foster children and their families. This ministry was born out of a desire to support and encourage foster families as they give the gift of love and family to hurting children.  
 We desire to alleviate some of the stress and help lighten the load for these families so they can focus on what is most important for the children in their homes.   By partnering with local churches to provide monthly parent’s night out events, foster family fellowship events, meal trains, and respite care, we can give the foster parents the reprieve they need to continue and not burn out. We are helping meet the physical needs of the child and family by delivering furniture, clothing, and hygiene items. Many children sit in state offices for days or longer, waiting for a placement in a family. We encourage the community to get involved by becoming foster families or wrapping around a foster family to help them. Spending time with the children in the offices is another way we love and support the child while they wait for a placement. There is so much heartache. We know God has called us to care for this population in this way.   Our goal is to show Jesus to these children and families as we are the hands and feet of his church. Thank you for supporting our family and ministry.